
Anti-psychiatry is a configuration of groups and theoretical constructs that emerged in the 1960s, which challenged the fundamental assumptions and practices of psychiatry and sought to develop alternatives. Its igniting intellectual influences were Michel Foucault, R.D. Laing, and Thomas Szasz. The term was first used by the psychiatrist David Cooper in 1967.[1]

Two central contentions of the anti-psychiatry movement are that:

Other key criticisms of mainstream psychiatry include:

Some mental health professionals and academics profess anti-psychiatry views,[4] as do a number of former and current users of psychiatric services.[5] Some critics focus their attention on what is known as biological psychiatry.[6][7][8] Proponents of some allegedly anti-psychiatric views seek to distance themselves from the term, both for its pejorative associations, and because they regard their theories and methods as evidence-based but not yet accepted by the mainstream psychiatric community.[9]




The first widespread challenge to the prevailing medical approach in Western countries occurred in the late 18th century. Part of the progressive Age of Enlightenment, a "moral treatment" movement challenged the harsh, pessimistic, somatic (body-based) and restraint-based approaches that prevailed in the system of hospitals and "madhouses" for people considered mentally disturbed, who were generally seen as wild animals without reason. Alternatives were developed, led in different regions by ex-patient staff, physicians themselves in some cases, and religious and lay philanthropists. The moral treatment was seen as pioneering more humane psychological and social approaches, whether or not in medical settings; however, it also involved some use of physical restraints, threats of punishment, and personal and social methods of control. And as it became the establishment approach in the 19th century, opposition to its negative aspects also grew.

According to Michel Foucault, there was a shift in the perception of madness, whereby it came to seen as less about delusion, i.e. disturbed judgement about the truth, than about a disorder of regular, normal behaviour or will.[10] Foucault argued that, prior to this, doctors could often prescribe travel, rest, walking, retirement and generally engaging with nature, seen as the visible form of truth, as a means to break with artificialities of the world (and therefore delusions).[11] Another form of treatment involved nature's opposite, the theatre, where the patient's madness was acted out for him or her in such a way that the delusion would reveal itself to the patient.

According to Foucault, the most prominent therapeutic technique instead became to confront patients with a healthy sound will and orthodox passions, ideally embodied by the physician. The cure then involved a process of opposition, of struggle and domination, of the patient's troubled will by the healthy will of the physician. It was thought the confrontation would lead not only to bring the illness into broad daylight by its resistance, but also to the victory of the sound will and the renunciation of the disturbed will. We must apply a perturbing method, to break the spasm by means of the spasm.... We must subjugate the whole character of some patients, subdue their transports, break their pride, while we must stimulate and encourage the others (Esquirol, J.E.D., 1816[12]). Foucault also argued that the increasing internment of the "mentally ill" (the development of more and bigger asylums) become necessary not just for diagnosis and classification but because an enclosed place became a requirement for a treatment that was now understood as primarily the contest of wills, a question of submission and victory. The techniques and procedures of the asylums at this time included isolation, private or public interrogations, punishment techniques such as cold showers, moral talks (encouragements or reprimands), strict discipline, compulsory work, rewards, preferential relations between the physician and his patients, relations of vassalage, of possession, of domesticity, even of servitude between patient and physician at times.[13] Foucault summarised these as designed to make the medical personage the 'master of madness'[14] through the power the physician's will exerts on the patient. The effect of this shift then served to inflate the power of the physician relative to the patient, correlated with the rapid rise of internment (asylums and forced detention).[15]

Other analyses suggest that the rise of asylums was primarily driven by industrialization and capitalism, including the breakdown of the traditional family structures. And that by the end of the 19th century, psychiatrists often had little power in the over-run asylum system, acting mainly as administrators who rarely attended to patients, in a system where therapeutic ideals had turned into mindless institutional routines.[16] In general, critics point to negative aspects of the shift toward so-called "moral treatments", and the concurrent widespread expansion of asylums, medical power and involuntary hospitalization laws, in a way that was to play an important conceptual part in the later anti-psychiatry movement.[17]

Various 19th century critiques of the newly emerging field of psychiatry overlap thematically with 20th century anti-psychiatry, for example in their questioning of the medicalisation of "madness". Those critiques occurred at a time when physicians had not yet achieved hegemony through psychiatry, however, and so there was not such a single unified force to be "anti-".[17] Nevertheless, there was increasing concern at the ease with which people could be confined, with frequent reports of abuse and illegal confinement (for example, Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, had previously argued that husbands used asylum hospitals to incarcerate their disobedient wives.[18]) There was general concern that physicians were undermining personhood by medicalizing problems, by claiming they alone had the expertise to judge it, and by arguing that mental disorder was physical and hereditary. The Alleged Lunatics' Friend Society arose in England in the mid-19th century to challenge the system and campaign for rights and reforms.[19] In the United States, Elizabeth Packard published a series of books and pamphlets describing her experiences in the Illinois insane asylum to which her husband had had her committed.

Throughout, the class nature of mental hospitals, and their role as agencies of control, were well recognized. And the new psychiatry was partially challenged by two powerful social institutions - the church and the legal system. These trends have been thematically linked to the later 20th century anti-psychiatry movement.[20]

As psychiatry became more professionally established during the nineteenth century (the term itself was coined in 1808 in Germany, as "Psychiatriein") and developed allegedly more invasive treatments, opposition increased.[21] In the Southern US, black slaves and Abolitionists encountered Drapetomania, a pseudo-scientific diagnosis for why slaves ran away from their masters.[22]

There was some organized challenge to psychiatry in the late 1870s from the new speciality of neurology. Practitioners criticized mental hospitals for failure to conduct scientific research and adopt the modern therapeutic methods such as nonrestraint. Together with lay reformers and social workers, neurologists formed the National Association for the Protection of the Insane and the Prevention of Insanity. However, when the lay members questioned the competence of asylum physicians to even provide proper care at all, the neurologists withdrew their support and the association floundered.[20]

Early 1900s

It has been noted that "the most persistent critics of psychiatry have always been former mental hospital patients", but that very few were able to tell their stories publicly or to openly confront the psychiatric establishment, and those who did so were commonly considered so extreme in their charges that they could seldom gain credibility.[20] In the early 20th century, ex-patient Clifford W. Beers campaigned to improve the plight of individuals receiving public psychiatric care, particularly those committed to state institutions, publicizing the issues in his book, A Mind that Found Itself (1908)[23] While Beers initially damned psychiatrists for tolerating mistreatment of patients, and envisioned more ex-patient involvement in the movement, he was influenced by Adolf Meyer and the psychiatric establishment, and toned down his hostility as he needed their support for reforms. His reliance on rich donors and his need for approval from experts led him to hand over to psychiatrists the organization he helped found, the National Committee for Mental Hygiene which eventually became the National Mental Health Association.[20] In the UK meanwhile, the National Society for Lunacy Law Reform was established in 1920 by angry ex-patients sick of their experiences and complaints being patronisingly discounted by the authorities who were using medical "window dressing" for essentially custodial and punitive practices.[24] In 1922, ex-patient Rachel Grant-Smith added to calls for reform of the system of neglect and abuse she had suffered by publishing "The Experiences of an Asylum Patient".[25] In the US, We Are Not Alone (WANA) was founded by a group of patients at Rockland State Hospital in New York, and continued to meet as an ex-patient group.[26]

In the 1920s, controversial psychiatrist Henry Cotton at Trenton State Hospital in New Jersey became convinced that insanity was fundamentally a toxic disorder and he surgically removed body parts to try to improve mental health.[27][28][29][30] This often began with the removal of teeth and tonsils. Cotton's obsession with focal sepsis as the root cause of mental illness "persisted in spite of all evidence to the contrary and the frightening incidence of death and harm from the operations he initiated".[27] Cotton's approach attracted some detractors, but the medical establishment of the day did not effectively renounce or discipline him.[27]

In the 1920s extreme hostility to psychiatrists and psychiatry was expressed by the French playwright and theater director Antonin Artaud, in particular, in his book on van Gogh. To Artaud, who was himself to spend a fair amount of time in a straitjacket, imagination was reality. Much influenced by the Dada and surrealist enthusiasms of the day, he considered dreams, thoughts and visions no less real than the "outside" world. To Artaud, reality appeared little more than a convenient consensus, the same kind of consensus an audience accepts when they enter a theater and, for a time, are happy to pretend what they're seeing is real.

In the 1930s several controversial medical practices were introduced, including inducing seizures (by electroshock, insulin or other drugs) or cutting parts of the brain apart (leucotomy or lobotomy).[3] Both came into widespread use by psychiatry, but there were grave concerns and much opposition on grounds of morality, harmful effects, or misuse.

1940s and 1950s

The post-World War II decades saw an enormous growth in psychiatry; many Americans were persuaded that psychiatry and psychology, particularly psychoanalysis, were a key to happiness. Meanwhile, most hospitalized mental patients received at best decent custodial care and at worst they were abused and neglected.

The psychoanalyst Lacan has been identified as an influence on later anti-psychiatry theory in the UK, and as being the first, in the 1940s and 50s, to professionally challenge psychoanalysis to rexamine its concepts and to appreciate psychosis as understandable. Other influences on Lacan included poetry and the surrealist movement, including the poetic power of patients' experiences. Critics disputed this and questioned how his descriptions linked to his practical work. The names that came to be associated with the anti-psychiatry movement knew of Lacan and acknowledged his contribution even if they did not entirely agree.[31] The psychoanalyst Erich Fromm is also said to have articulated, in the 1950s, the secular humanistic concern of the coming anti-psychiatry movement. In The Sane Society (1955), Fromm wrote ""An unhealthy society is one which creates mutual hostility [and] distrust, which transforms man into an instrument of use and exploitation for others, which deprives him of a sense of self, except inasmuch as he submits to others or becomes an automaton"..."Yet many psychiatrists and psychologists refuse to entertain the idea that society as a whole may be lacking in sanity. They hold that the problem of mental health in a society is only that of the number of 'unadjusted' individuals, and not of a possible unadjustment of the culture itself"[32]

In the 1950s new psychiatric drugs, notably the antipsychotic chlorpromazine, slowly came into use. Although often accepted as an advance in some ways, there was opposition, partly due to serious adverse effects such as tardive dyskinesia, and partly due their "chemical straightjacket" effect and their alleged use to control and intimidate patients.[3] Patients often opposed psychiatry and refused or stopped taking the drugs when not subject to psychiatric control.[3] There was also increasing opposition to the large-scale use of psychiatric hospitals and institutions, and attempts were made to develop services in the community.

In the 1950s in the United States, a right wing anti-mental health movement opposed psychiatry, seeing it as liberal, left-wing, subversive and anti-American or pro-Communist. There were widespread fears that it threatened individual rights and undermined moral responsibility. An early skirmish was over the Alaska Mental Health Bill, where the right wing protestors were joined by the emerging Scientology movement.

The field of psychology sometimes came into opposition with psychiatry. Behaviorists argued that mental disorder was a matter of learning not medicine; for example, Hans Eysenck argued that psychiatry "really has no role to play". The developing field of clinical psychology in particular came into close contact with psychiatry, often in opposition to its methods, theories and territories.[33]


Coming to the fore in the 1960s, "anti-psychiatry" (a term first used by David Cooper in 1967) defined a movement that vocally challenged the fundamental claims and practices of mainstream psychiatry. While most of its elements had precedents in earlier decades and centuries, in the 1960s it took on a national and international character, with access to the mass media and incorporating a wide mixture of grassroots activist organizations and prestigious professional bodies.[33]

Cooper was a South African psychiatrist working in Britain. A trained Marxist revolutionary, he argued that the political context of psychiatry and its patients had to be highlighted and radically challenged, and warned that the fog of individualized therapeutic language could take away people's ability to see and challenge the bigger social picture. He spoke of having a goal of "non-psychiatry" as well as anti-psychiatry. It has been suggested that Cooper may have seen psychiatry as analogous to apartheid.[33]

The psychiatrists R.D. Laing (from Scotland), Theodore Lidz (from America), Silvano Arieti (from Italy) and others, argued that "schizophrenia" and psychosis were understandable, and resulted from injuries to the inner self inflicted by psychologically invasive "schizophrenogenic" parents or others; it was sometimes seen as a transformative state involving an attempt to cope with a sick society. Laing, however, partially dissociated himself from his colleague Cooper's term "anti-psychiatry". Laing had already become a media icon through bestselling books (such as The Divided Self and The Politics of Experience) discussing mental distress in an interpersonal existential context; Laing was somewhat less focused than his colleague Cooper on wider social structures and radical left wing politics, and went on to develop more romanticized or mystical views (as well as equivocating over the use of diagnosis, drugs and commitment). Although the movement originally described as anti-psychiatry became associated with the general counter-culture movement of the 1960s, Lidz and Arieti never became involved in the latter. Franco Basaglia promoted anti-psychiatry in Italy and secured reforms to mental health law there.

Laing, through the Philadelphia Association founded with Cooper in 1965, set up over 20 therapeutic communities including Kingsley Hall, where staff and residents theoretically assumed equal status and any medication used was voluntary. Non-psychiatric Soteria houses, starting in the United States, were also developed[34] as were various ex-patient-led services.

Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz argued that "mental illness" is an inherently incoherent combination of a medical and a psychological concept. He opposed the use of psychiatry to forcibly detain, treat, or excuse what he saw as mere deviance from societal norms or moral conduct. As a libertarian, Szasz was concerned that such usage undermined personal rights and moral responsibility. Adherents of his views referred to "the myth of mental illness", after Szasz's controversial 1961 book of that name (based on a paper of the same name that Szasz had written in 1957 that, following repeated rejections from psychiatric journals, had been published in the American Psychologist in 1960[35]). Although widely described as part of the main anti-psychiatry movement, Szasz actively rejected the term and its adherents; instead, in 1969, he collaborated with Scientology to form the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. It was later noted that the view that insanity was not in most or even in any instances a "medical" entity, but a moral issue, was also held by Christian Scientists and certain Protestant fundamentalists, as well as Szasz.[20]

Erving Goffman, Deleuze, Guattari and others criticized the power and role of psychiatry in society, including the use of "total institutions" and the use of models and terms that were seen as stigmatizing.[36] The French sociologist and philosopher Foucault, in his 1961 publication Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, analyzed how attitudes towards those deemed "insane" had changed as a result of changes in social values. He argued that psychiatry was primarily a tool of social control, based historically on a "great confinement" of the insane and physical punishment and chains, later exchanged in the moral treatment era for psychological oppression and internalized restraint. American sociologist Thomas Scheff applied Labeling theory to psychiatry in 1966 in "Being Mentally Ill". Scheff argued that society views certain actions as deviant and, in order to come to terms with and understand these actions, often places the label of mental illness on those who exhibit them. Certain expectations are then placed on these individuals and, over time, they unconsciously change their behavior to fulfill them.

The novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest became a bestseller, resonating with public concern about involuntary medication, lobotomy and electroshock procedures used to control patients. In addition, Holocaust documenters argued that the medicalization of social problems and systematic euthanasia of people in German mental institutions in the 1930s provided the institutional, procedural, and doctrinal origins of the mass murder of the 1940s.[37][38] The Nuremberg Trials convicted a number of psychiatrists who held key positions in Nazi regimes. Observation of the abuses of psychiatry in the Soviet Union in the so-called Psikhushka hospitals also led to questioning the validity of the practice of psychiatry in the West.[39] In particular, the diagnosis of many political dissidents with schizophrenia led some to question the general diagnosis and punitive usage of the label schizophrenia. This raised questions as to whether the schizophrenia label and resulting involuntary psychiatric treatment could not have been similarly used in the West to subdue rebellious young people during family conflicts.[40]

1970s & onward

New professional approaches were developed as an alternative or reformist complement to psychiatry. The Radical Therapist, a journal begun in 1971 in North Dakota by Michael Glenn, David Bryan, Linda Bryan, Michael Galan and Sara Glenn, challenged the psychotherapy establishment in a number of ways, raising the slogan "Therapy means change, not adjustment." It contained articles that challenged the professional mediator approach, advocating instead revolutionary politics and authentic community making. Social work, humanistic or existentialist therapies, family therapy, counseling and self-help and clinical psychology developed and sometimes opposed psychiatry.

Psychoanalysis was increasingly criticized as unscientific or harmful.[41] Contrary to the popular view, critics and biographers of Freud, such as Alice Miller, Jeffrey Masson and Louis Breger, argued that Freud did not grasp the nature of psychological trauma. Non-medical collaborative services were developed, for example therapeutic communities or Soteria houses.

The psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist Szasz, although professing fundamental opposition to what he perceives as medicalization and oppressive or excuse-giving "diagnosis" and forced "treatment", was not opposed to other aspects of psychiatry (for example attempts to "cure-heal souls", although he also characterizes this as non-medical). Although generally considered anti-psychiatry by others, he sought to dissociate himself politically from a movement and term associated with the radical left-wing. In a 1976 publication "Anti-psychiatry: The paradigm of a plundered mind", which has been described as an overtly political condemnation of a wide sweep of people, Szasz claimed Laing, Cooper and all of anti-psychiatry consisted of "self-declared socialists, communists, or at least anti-capitalists and collectivists". While saying he shared some of their critique of the psychiatric system, Szasz compared their views on the social causes of distress/deviance to those of anti-capitalist anti-colonialists who claimed that Chilean poverty was due to plundering by American companies, a comment Szasz made not long after a CIA-backed coup had deposed the democratically elected Chilean president and replaced him with Pinochet. Szasz argued instead that distress/deviance is due to the flaws or failures of individuals in their struggles in life.[42]

The anti-psychiatry movement was also being driven by individuals with adverse experiences of psychiatric services. This included those who felt they had been harmed by psychiatry or who felt that they could have been helped more by other approaches, including those compulsorily (including via physical force) admitted to psychiatric institutions and subjected to compulsory medication or procedures. During the 1970s, the anti-psychiatry movement was involved in promoting restraint from many practices seen as psychiatric abuses.

The gay rights movement continued to challenge the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness and in 1974, in a climate of controversy and activism, the American Psychiatric Association membership (following a unanimous vote by the trustees in 1973) voted by a small majority (58%) to remove it as an illness category from the DSM, replacing it with a category of "sexual orientation disturbance" and then "ego-dystonic homosexuality," which was deleted in 1987, although "gender identity disorder" and a wide variety of "paraphilias" remain. It has been noted that gay activists at the time adopted many of Szasz's arguments against the psychiatric system, but also that Szasz had written in 1965 that: "I believe it is very likely that homosexuality is, indeed, a disease in the second sense [expression of psychosexual immaturity] and perhaps sometimes even in the stricter sense [a condition somewhat similar to ordinary organic maladies].[43]

Increased legal and professional protections, and a merging with human rights and disability rights movements, added to anti-psychiatry theory and action.

Anti-psychiatry came to challenge a "biomedical" focus of psychiatry (defined to mean genetics, neurochemicals and pharmaceutic drugs). There was also opposition to the increasing links between psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies, which were becoming more powerful and were increasingly claimed to have excessive, unjustified and underhand influence on psychiatric research and practice. There was also opposition to the codification of, and alleged misuse of, psychiatric diagnoses into manuals, in particular the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Anti-psychiatry increasingly challenged alleged psychiatric pessimism and institutionalized alienation regarding those categorized as mentally ill. An emerging consumer/survivor movement often argues for full recovery, empowerment, self-management and even full liberation. Schemes were developed to challenge stigma and discrimination, often based on a social model of disability; to assist or encourage people with mental health issues to engage more fully in work and society (for example through social firms), and to involve service users in the delivery and evaluation of mental health services. However, those actively and openly challenging the fundamental ethics and efficacy of mainstream psychiatric practice remained marginalized within psychiatry, and to a lesser extent within the wider mental health community.

Challenges to psychiatry

Civilization as a cause of distress

In recent years, David Smail, a psychotherapist considered part of the anti-psychiatry movement, has written extensively of the "embodied nature" of the individual in society, and the unwillingness of even therapists to acknowledge the obvious part played by power and interest in modern Western society. He argues that feelings and emotions are not, as is commonly supposed, features of the individual, but rather responses of the individual to his situation in society. Even psychotherapy, he suggests, can only change feelings inasmuch as it helps a person to change the "proximal" and "distal" influences on his life, which range from family and friends, to politics and work.[44]

R.D. Laing notoriously emphasized family nexus as a mechanism whereby individuals become victimized by those around them, and spoke about a dysfunctional society.[45][46]

Normality and illness judgments

Critics of psychiatry generally do not dispute the notion that some people have emotional or psychological problems, or that some psychotherapies at least occasionally work for a given problem. They do usually disagree with psychiatry on the source of these problems; and on what the proper management options are.

One remarkable example of psychiatric diagnosis being used to reinforce cultural bias and oppress dissidence is the diagnosis of drapetomania. In the USA prior to the American Civil War, psychiatrists such as Samuel A. Cartwright diagnosed some slaves with drapetomania, a mental illness in which the slave possessed an irrational desire for freedom and a tendency to try to escape.[47] By classifying such a dissident mental trait as abnormal and a disease, psychiatry promoted cultural bias about normality, abnormality, health, and unhealth. This example indicates the probability for not only cultural bias but also confirmation bias and bias blind spot in psychiatric diagnosis and psychiatric beliefs.

In addition, many feel that they are being pathologized for simply being different. Some people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome or autism hold this position, particularly those involved in the autism rights movement or the autistic pride movement. While many parents of children diagnosed as autistic support the efforts of autistic activists, there are some who say they value the uniqueness of their children and do not desire a "cure" for their autism. The autistic community has coined a number of terms that would appear to form the basis for a new branch of identity politics; terms such as "neurodiversity" and "neurotypical".[48] However, an anti-psychiatric viewpoint is not found in nearly all of those advocating acceptance for autists or other "outsiders".

It has been argued by philosophers like Foucault that characterizations of "mental illness" are indeterminate and reflect the hierarchical structures of the societies from which they emerge rather than any precisely defined qualities that distinguish a "healthy" mind from a "sick" one. Furthermore, if a tendency toward self-harm is taken as an elementary symptom of mental illness, then humans, as a species, are arguably insane in that they have tended throughout recorded history to destroy their own environments, to make war with one another, etc.[49]

Psychiatric labeling

There are recognized problems regarding the diagnostic reliability and validity of mainstream psychiatric diagnoses, both in ideal and controlled circumstances[50] and even more so in routine clinical practice (McGorry et al.. 1995).[51] Criteria in the principal diagnostic manuals, the DSM and ICD, are inconsistent.[52] Some psychiatrists who criticize their own profession say that comorbidity, when an individual meets criteria for two or more disorders, is the rule rather than the exception. There is much overlap and vaguely defined or changeable boundaries between what psychiatrists claim are distinct illness states.[53] There are also problems with using standard diagnostic criteria in different countries, cultures, genders or ethnic groups. Critics often allege that Westernized, white, male-dominated psychiatric practices and diagnoses disadvantage and misunderstand those from other groups. For example, several studies have shown that African Americans are more often diagnosed with schizophrenia than Caucasians,[54] and women more than men. Some within the anti-psychiatry movement are critical of the use of diagnosis as it conforms with the biomedical model.

Psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry

Critics of psychiatry commonly express a concern that the path of diagnosis and treatment in contemporary society is primarily or overwhelmingly shaped by profit prerogatives [55] (echoing a common criticism of general medical practice in the United States, where many of the largest psychopharmaceutical producers are based).

Psychiatric research has demonstrated varying degrees of efficacy for improving or managing a number of mental health disorders through either medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. Typical psychiatric medications include stimulants, antidepressants, hypnotic minor tranquilizers and neuroleptics (antipsychotics).

On the other hand, organizations such as MindFreedom International and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry maintain that psychiatrists exaggerate the evidence of medication and minimize the evidence of adverse drug reaction. They and other activists believe individuals are not given balanced information, and that current psychiatric medications do not appear to be specific to particular disorders in the way mainstream psychiatry asserts;[56] and psychiatric drugs not only fail to correct measurable chemical imbalances in the brain, but rather induce undesirable side effects. For example, though children on Ritalin and other psycho-stimulants become more obedient to parents and teachers,[57] critics have noted that they can also develop abnormal movements such as tics, spasms and other involuntary movements.[58] This has not been shown to be directly related to the therapeutic use of stimulants, but to neuroleptics.[59][60] The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on the basis of inattention to compulsory schooling also raises critics' concerns regarding the use of psychoactive drugs as a means of unjust social control of children.[57]

The influence of pharmaceutical companies is another major issue for the anti-psychiatry movement. As many critics from within and outside of psychiatry have argued, there are many financial and professional links between psychiatry, regulators, and pharmaceutical companies. Drug companies routinely fund much of the research conducted by psychiatrists, advertise medication in psychiatric journals and conferences, fund psychiatric and healthcare organizations and health promotion campaigns, and send representatives to lobby general physicians and politicians. Peter Breggin, Sharkey, and other investigators of the psycho-pharmaceutical industry maintain that many psychiatrists are members, shareholders or special advisors to pharmaceutical or associated regulatory organizations.

There is evidence that research findings and the prescribing of drugs are influenced as a result. A United Kingdom cross-party parliamentary inquiry into the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in 2005 concludes: "The influence of the pharmaceutical industry is such that it dominates clinical practice"[61] and that there are serious regulatory failings resulting in "the unsafe use of drugs; and the increasing medicalization of society".[61] The campaign organization No Free Lunch details the prevalent acceptance by medical professionals of free gifts from pharmaceutical companies and the effect on psychiatric practice.[62] The ghostwriting of articles by pharmaceutical company officials, which are then presented by esteemed psychiatrists, has also been highlighted.[63] Systematic reviews have found that trials of psychiatric drugs that are conducted with pharmaceutical funding are several times more likely to report positive findings than studies without such funding.[64]

The number of psychiatric drug prescriptions have been increasing at an extremely high rate since the 1950s and show no sign of abating.[3] In the United States antidepressants and tranquilizers are now the top selling class of prescription drugs, and neuroleptics and other psychiatric drugs also rank near the top, all with expanding sales.[64] As a solution to the apparent conflict of interests, critics propose legislation to separate the pharmaceutical industry from the psychiatric profession.

Electroconvulsive therapy

Psychiatrists may advocate psychiatric drugs, psychotherapy or more controversial interventions such as electroshock or psychosurgery to treat mental illness. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is administered worldwide typically for severe mental disorders. Across the globe it has been estimated that approximately 1 million patients receive ECT per year.[65] Exact numbers of how many persons per year have ECT in the United States are unknown due to the variability of settings and treatment. Researchers' estimates generally range from 100,000 to 200,000 persons per year.[66]

Some persons receiving ECT die during the procedure (ECT is performed under a general anaesthetic, which always carries a risk). Leonard Roy Frank cites approximately 400 deaths mentioned in psychiatric journals.[67]


While the insanity defense is the subject of controversy as a viable excuse for wrong-doing, Szasz and other critics contend that being committed in a psychiatric hospital can be worse than criminal imprisonment, since it involves the risk of compulsory medication with neuroleptics or the use of electroshock treatment.[68][69] Moreover, while a criminal imprisonment has a predetermined time of end that could be anticipated, patients are typically committed to psychiatric hospitals for indefinite durations.[70]

Involuntary hospitalization

Critics see involuntary committal's use of legally sanctioned force as counter to one of the pillars of open or free societies: John Stuart Mill's principles. Mill argues that society should never use coercion to subdue an individual as long as he or she does not harm others. In contrast to the Hollywood portrait of schizophrenics, mentally ill people are essentially no more prone to violence than sane individuals.[71][72] The growing practice, in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, of care in the community was instituted partly in response to such concerns. Alternatives to involuntary hospitalization include the development of non-medical crisis care in the community.

In the case of people suffering from severe psychotic crises, the American Soteria project used to provide, critics of psychiatry contend, a more humane and compassionate alternative to coercive psychiatry. The Soteria houses closed in 1983 in the United States due to lack of financial support. However, Soteria-like houses are presently flourishing in Europe, especially in Sweden and other North European countries.[73]

"Therapeutic State"

The "Therapeutic State" is a phrase coined by American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz in 1963.

The collaboration between government and psychiatry results in what Szasz calls the "therapeutic state," a system in which disapproved thoughts, emotions, and actions are repressed ("cured") through pseudomedical interventions.[74]

Civil libertarians warn that the marriage of the State with psychiatry could have catastrophic consequences for civilization.[75] In the same vein as the separation of church and state, Szasz believes that a solid wall must exist between psychiatry and the State.[76]

"Total Institution"

In his book Asylums, Erving Goffman coined the term 'Total Institution' for mental hospitals and similar places which took over and confined a person's whole life.[77]:150[78]:9 Goffman placed psychiatric hospitals in the same category as concentration camps, prisons, military organizations, orphanages, and monasteries.[79] In Asylums Goffman describes how the institutionalisation process socialises people into the role of a good patient, someone ‘dull, harmless and inconspicuous’; it in turn reinforces notions of chronicity in severe mental illness.[80]

Psychiatry as a pseudo-science

Many of the above issues lead to the claim that psychiatry is a pseudo-science.[81] According to some philosophers of science (especially Karl Popper), for a theory to qualify as hard science it needs to exhibit the following characteristics:

Psychiatrist Colin A. Ross and Alvin Pam maintain that biopsychiatry does not qualify as a science on many counts.[82]

Diverse paths

Szasz has since (2008) re-emphasized his disdain for the term anti-psychiatry, arguing that its legacy has simply been a "catchall term used to delegitimize and dismiss critics of psychiatric fraud and force by labeling them 'antipsychiatrists'". He points out that the term originated in a meeting of four psychiatrists (Cooper, Laing, Berke and Redler) who never defined it yet "counter-label[ed] their discipline as anti-psychiatry", and that he considers Laing most responsible for popularizing it despite also personally distancing himself. Szasz describes the deceased (1989) Laing in vitriolic terms, accusing him of being irresponsible and equivocal on psychiatric diagnosis and use of force, and detailing his past "public behavior" as "a fit subject for moral judgment" which he gives as "a bad person and a fraud as a professional".[83]

Daniel Burston, however, has argued that overall the published works of Szasz and Laing demonstrate far more points of convergence and intellectual kinship than Szasz admits, despite the divergence on a number of issues related to Szasz being a libertarian and Laing an existentialist; that Szasz employs a good deal of exaggeration and distortion in assassinating the character of Laing, with an overarching agenda of using Laing's personal failings and family woes to discredit his work and ideas; and that Szasz's "clear-cut, crystalline ethical principles are designed to spare us the agonizing and often inconclusive reflections that many clinicians face frequently in the course of their work".[84] Szasz has indicated that his own views came from libertarian politics held since his teens, rather than through experience in psychiatry; that in his "rare" contacts with involuntary mental patients in the past he either sought to discharge them (if they were not charged with a crime) or "assisted the prosecution in securing [their] conviction" (if they were charged with a crime and appeared to be prima facie guilty); that he is not opposed to consensual psychiatry and "does not interfere with the practice of the conventional psychiatrist", and that he provided "listening-and-talking ("psychotherapy")" for voluntary fee-paying clients from 1948 until 1996, a practice he characterizes as non-medical and not associated with his being a psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist.[83]

The gay rights or gay liberation movement is often thought to have been part of anti-psychiatry in its efforts to challenge oppression and stigma and, specifically, to get homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, a psychiatric member of APA's Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Committee has recently sought to distance the two, arguing that they were separate in the early 70s protests at APA conventions and that APA's decision to remove homosexuality was scientific and happened to coincide with the political pressure. Reviewers have responded, however, that the founders and movements were closely aligned; that they shared core texts, proponents and slogans; and that others have stated that, for example, the gay liberation critique was "made possible by (and indeed often explicitly grounded in) traditions of antipsychiatry".[85][86]

In the clinical setting, the two strands of anti-psychiatry — criticism of psychiatric knowledge and reform of its practices — were never entirely distinct. In addition, in a sense, anti-psychiatry was not so much a demand for the end of psychiatry, as it was psychiatrists and allied professionals questioning their own judgements and practices. In some cases, the suspicion of non-psychiatric medical professionals towards the validity of psychiatry was described as anti-psychiatry, as well the criticism of "tough headed" psychiatrists towards "soft head" psychiatrists. Even the leading figures of anti-psychiatry were within psychiatry and equivocated over whether they were really against psychiatry, or which parts. Outside psychiatry however - for example student and lay activists and other mental health professionals such as social workers and psychologists - anti-psychiatry tended to mean something more uniformly radical. And the ambiguous term "anti-psychiatry" came to be associated with these stronger forms, but there was debate over whether it was a new phenomena, who "owned" it, and whether it even constituted a genuinely singular movement.[87]

In the 1990s, a tendency was noted among psychiatrists to regard the anti-psychiatric movement as having entered the annals of history, and to look back on its ideology as an attempt to flirt with polemics at the expense of scientific thought and enquiry. It was argued, however, that the movement contributed towards generating demand for grassroots involvement in guidelines and advocacy groups, and to the shift from large mental institutions to community services. In addition, in reality, community centers tended to distance themselves from the psychiatric medical model and continued to see themselves as representing a culture of resistance or opposition to psychiatry's power. Overall, while antipsychiatry may have fallen from grace and was no longer be led by eminent psychiatrists, it was argued that it had in fact only been handed over to the team.[31] On the other hand, mainstream psychiatry became more biomedical, increasing the gap between professionals.

A criticism was made in the 1990s that three decades of anti-psychiatry had produced a large literature critical of psychiatry, but little discussion of the deteriorating situation of the mentally troubled in American society. Anti-psychiatry crusades have thus been charged with failing to put suffering individuals first, and of thus being guilty of what they accuse psychiatrists. The rise of anti-psychiatry in Italy was described by one observer as simply "a transfer of psychiatric control from those with medical knowledge to those who possessed socio-political power".[33]

In the meantime, members of the psychiatric consumer/survivor movement carried on campaigning for reform, empowerment and alternatives, with an increasingly diverse representation of views. Groups have often been opposed and undermined, especially when they proclaim to be, or when they are labelled as being, "anti-psychiatry".[88] However, as of the 1990s, more than 60 percent of ex-patient groups reportedly support anti-psychiatry beliefs and consider themselves to be "psychiatric survivors".[89] Although anti-psychiatry is often attributed to a few famous figures in psychiatry or academia, it has been pointed out that consumer/survivor/ex-patient individuals and groups preceded it, drove it and carried on through it.[90][91]


Scientology has also challenged psychiatric theory and practice. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, who claimed the cause of insanity is always an undiagnosed or untreated distressing physical illness,[92] became increasingly at odds with psychiatry and in 1969 cofounded the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), with Thomas Szasz. CCHR was formed as an advocacy group focused on what it calls psychiatry's "human rights crimes". In the keynote address at the 25th anniversary of CCHR, Szasz stated: "We should all honor CCHR because it is really the organization that for the first time in human history has organized a politically, socially, internationally significant voice to combat psychiatry. This has never been done in human history before." Although Szasz appears in some of CCHR's keynote addresses, he has never been a Scientologist, instead self-identifying as a secular humanist.[93]

Despite sharing notable anti-psychiatrists' views on some issues, Scientology doctrine differs in some respects. Scientology doctrine holds that psychiatrists caused the decline in this universe billions of years ago,[94] and Scientologists are committed to never taking psychiatric drugs and reject psychology outright.[95]

See also


  1. ^ David Cooper, Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry, Paladin, London, 1967.
  2. ^ Mind games: are we obsessed with therapy?, authored by CSICOPer Robert Baker (Prometheus Books, 1996) contains a chapter critical of the DSM-IV diagnoses.
  3. ^ a b c d e Whitaker, Robert (2004). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. ISBN 0-7382-0799-3. 
  4. ^ ICSPP page
  5. ^ See MindFreedom International and the Northampton-based Freedom Center.
  6. ^ Pam, Alvin (1995). "Biological psychiatry: science or pseudoscience?" in Colin Ross and Alvin Pam Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry: Blaming the Body. NY: Wiley & Sons. pp. 7–84. 
  7. ^ Valenstein, Elliot (1998). Blaming the Brain: The Truth about Drugs and Mental Health. The Free Press. ISBN 068484964X. 
  8. ^ Joseph, Jay (2003). The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology Under the Microscope. New York, NY: Algora. ISBN 0-87586-344-2. 
  9. ^ What was anti-psychiatry? from UEA Critical Psychiatry website
  10. ^ Foucault, M.(1997)Psychiatric Power in Michel Foucault: Ethics, subjectivity and truth, Rabinow, Paul (Ed.) The New Press: New York. pp 39-50
  11. ^ ibid. pp 42
  12. ^ De la Folie. Chapter 5: Traitement de la folie, pp 132-133: in ibid. pp 43
  13. ^ ibid pp 43
  14. ^ ibid. pp 43
  15. ^ ibid. pp 44
  16. ^ Crossley, Nick (2006). "Contextualizing contention". Contesting Psychiatry: Social movements in Mental Health. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-35417-X. 
  17. ^ a b Nick Crossley R. D. Laing and the British anti-psychiatry movement: a socio–historical analysis Social Science & Medicine Volume 47, Issue 7, 1 October 1998, Pages 877-889
  18. ^ Defoe, D. Demand for public control of madhouses
  19. ^ N Hervey (1986) Advocacy or folly: the Alleged Lunatics' Friend Society, 1845-63. Med Hist. 1986 July; 30(3): 245–275.
  20. ^ a b c d e Dain, N. (1989)Critics and dissenters: Reflections on anti-psychiatry in the United States Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Volume 25 Issue 1, Pages 3 - 25
  21. ^ Kleinman, Arthur (1988). Rethinking Psychiatry: From Cultural Category to Personal Experience. Collier Macmillan. ISBN 0029174422. 
  22. ^ Question of the Month - Jim Crow Museum at Ferris State University
  23. ^ Clifford Beers, A Mind That Found Itself, Pittsburgh and London: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981 ISBN 0822953242
  24. ^ Phil Fennell (1996) Treatment Without Consent: Law, Psychiatry and the Treatment of Mentally Disordered People Since 1845 Routledge, 1996 ISBN 0415077877 pg108
  25. ^ Rachel Grant-Smith (1922) The Experiences of an Asylum Patient John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center
  26. ^ Reaume G. (2002) Lunatic to patient to person: nomenclature in psychiatric history and the influence of patients' activism in North America. Int J Law Psychiatry. Jul-Aug;25(4):405-26. PMID 12613052 doi:10.1016/S0160-2527(02)00130-9
  27. ^ a b c Ian Freckelton. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine. (Book review), Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2005, pp. 435-438.
  28. ^ David Gollaher. Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine (review), Journal of Social History, Volume 39, Number 4, Summer 2006, pp. 1221-1223.
  29. ^ Book Review: Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine, BMJ, 330:1276 (28 May 2005).
  30. ^ Book Review: Madhouse: A Tragic Tale of Megalomania and Modern Medicine, History of Psychiatry, Vol. 17, No. 4, 499-500 (2006).
  31. ^ a b Mervat Nasser The rise and fall of anti-psychiatry Psychiatric Bulletin (1995). 19, 743-746
  32. ^ Levine, B. (2008) Thinking Critically About Scientology, Psychiatry, and Their Feud The Huffington Post, September 10
  33. ^ a b c d Mark S. Micale, Roy Porter (1994) Discovering the History of Psychiatry Oxford University Press US, 1994 ISBN 0195077393
  34. ^ Calton T, Ferriter M, Huband N, Spandler H. (2008) A systematic review of the Soteria paradigm for the treatment of people diagnosed with schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bullutin. Jan;34(1):181-92.
  35. ^ Szasz, T. (1960) The Myth of Mental Illness American Psychologist, 15, 113-118
  36. ^ Does psychiatry stigmatize?
  37. ^ Lapon, Lenny (1986). Mass Murderers in White Coats : Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and the United States. Psychiatric Genocide Research Inst. ISBN 0961496193. 
  38. ^ The Psychiatric Holocaust - excerpts
  39. ^ AAAS - AAAS News Release
  40. ^ Why Outpatient Commitment Laws Change (Almost) Nothing
  41. ^ Adolf Grünbaum's The Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique. Berkeley (University of California Press, 1984); Validation in the Clinical Theory of Psychoanalysis: A Study in the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis. (International Universities Press, 1993).
  42. ^ Kotowicz, Z. (1997) R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry Routledge ISBN 0415116112 pg90
  43. ^ Wright, RH, Cummings, NA. (2005) Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-intentioned Path to Harm Routledge ISBN 0415950864 pg 67
  44. ^ Smail, David John (2005). Power Interest and Psychology. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books. ISBN 1898059713. 
  45. ^ Laing, R.D. (1960) The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness, Penguin Books.
  46. ^ Laing, R.D. and Esterson, A. (1964) Sanity, Madness and the Family, London: Penguin
  47. ^ Sharkey, Joe (1994). Bedlam: greed, profiteering and fraud in a mental system gone crazy. NY: St. Martin's Press. p. 182. ISBN 0312104219. 
  48. ^ Harmon, Amy (May 9, 2004). "Neurodiversity Forever; The Disability Movement Turns to Brains". The New York Times. 
  49. ^ Foucault, Michel (1988). Madness and Civilization: a History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. New York: Vintage Books. ISBN 039471914X. 
  50. ^ Williams, J.B.; et al. (1992). "The structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) II: Multi-site test-retest reliability". Archives of General Psychiatry 49: 630–36. 
  51. ^ PD McGorry; C Mihalopoulos, L Henry, J Dakis, HJ Jackson, M Flaum, S Harrigan, D McKenzie, J Kulkarni and R Karoly (1995). "Spurious precision: procedural validity of diagnostic assessment in psychotic disorders". Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152:220-223. American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved 2006-07-02. 
  52. ^ van Os, J.; et al. (1999). "A comparison of the utility of dimensional and categorical representations of psychosis". Psychological Medicine 29 (3) (3): 595–606. PMID 10405080. 
  53. ^ The Ross Institute - Trauma
  54. ^ The influence of racial factors on psychiatric diagnosis
  55. ^ Moynihan, Ray and Alan Cassels (2006). Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All Into Patients, Nation Books. ISBN 1560256974. 
  56. ^ Rethinking Models of Psychotropic Drug Action
  57. ^ a b Breggin, Peter (2000). Reclaiming Your Children: A healing Plan for a Nation in Crisis. Perseus Publishing. 
  58. ^ Psychostimulants in the treatment of children diagnosed with ADHD: Risks and mechanism of action Peter R. Breggin
  59. ^ New York Times article
  60. ^ USA Today article
  61. ^ a b House of Commons Health Committee: The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fourth Report of Session 2002-2005)
  62. ^ No Free Lunch
  63. ^ Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical journals | Society | The Observer
  64. ^ a b National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation
  65. ^ Prudic, Olfson, and Sackeim. "Electro-convulsive therapy practices in the community".
  66. ^ Paper on ECT statistics at MH Stats Conference »
  67. ^ The History of Shock Treatment : Author : Leonard Roy Frank
  68. ^ Szasz, Thomas (1989). Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry: An Inquiry into the Social Uses of Mental Health Practices. Syracuse University Press; Reprint edition. ISBN 0815602421. 
  69. ^ Rodney Yoder Page
  70. ^ Szasz, Thomas (2002). "Patient or Prisoner?". Ideas on Liberty 52: 31–32. 
  71. ^ UNC Health Care
  72. ^ Science News
  73. ^ Dr. Loren Mosher, 1933 — 2004
  74. ^ Reason Magazine — Curing the Therapeutic State: Thomas Szasz interviewed by Jacob Sullum
  75. ^ Bush’s Brave New World
  76. ^ The Therapeutic State: The Tyranny of Pharmacracy
  77. ^ Davidson, Larry; Rakfeldt, Jaak; Strauss, John (editors) (2010). The Roots of the Recovery Movement in Psychiatry: Lessons Learned. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 150. ISBN 8846453581.,M1. 
  78. ^ Wallace, Samuel (1971). Total Institutions. Transaction Publishers. pp. 9. ISBN 8846453581.,M1. 
  79. ^ Weinstein R. (1982). "Goffman's Asylums and the Social Situation of Mental Patients". Orthomolecular psychiatry 11 (N 4): 267–274. 
  80. ^ Lester H., Gask L. (May 2006). "Delivering medical care for patients with serious mental illness or promoting a collaborative model of recovery?". British Journal of Psychiatry 188 (5): 401–402. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.105.015933. PMID 16648523. 
  81. ^ Warme, Gordon (2006). Daggers of the Mind: Psychiatry and the Myth of Mental Disease. Canada: House of Anansi. ISBN 088784197X. 
  82. ^ Ross, Colin (1995). "Errors of logic in biological psychiatry" in Colin Ross and Alvin Pam Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry. NY: Wiley & Sons. pp. 85–128. 
  83. ^ a b Szasz (2008) Debunking Antipsychiatry: Laing, Law, and Largactil Current Psychology, Volume 27, Number 2 / June Pages 79-101 DOI 10.1007/s12144-008-9024-z
  84. ^ Daniel Burston (2004) Szasz, Laing and Existential Psychotherapy
  85. ^ McCommon, B. (2006) Antipsychiatry and the Gay Rights Movement Psychiatr Serv 57:1809, December doi 10.1176/
  86. ^ Rissmiller, DJ, D.O., Rissmiller, J. (2006) Letter in reply Psychiatr Serv 57:1809-a-1810, December 2006 doi 10.1176/
  87. ^ Paul Laffey Antipsychiatry in Australia:Sources for a Social and Intellectual History Health & History, 2003. 5/2: 17–36
  88. ^ McLean, A. (2003) Recovering Consumers and a Broken Mental Health System in the United States: Ongoing Challenges for Consumers/ Survivors and the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Part II: Impact of Managed Care and Continuing Challenges International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 8, 58-70.
  89. ^ Everett B (1994) Something is happening: the contemporary consumer and psychiatric survivor movement in historical context. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 15:55–7
  90. ^ Rissmiller DJ & Rissmiller JH (2006) Evolution of the antipsychiatry movement into mental health consumerism. Psychiatric Services, Jun;57(6):863-6.
  91. ^ Oaks, D. (2006) The Evolution of the Consumer Movement, Psychiatric Services 57:1212
  92. ^ Hubbard LR (1969) Physically ill PCs and Pre-OTs, HCO Bulletin 12 March 1969 issue II

    "The CORRECT ACTION ON AN INSANE PATIENT IS A FULL SEARCHING CLINICAL EXAMINATION BY A COMPETENT MEDICAL DOCTOR. He may find disease, fractures, concussion, tumors or ANY COMMON ILLNESS which has escaped treatment and has become chronic. He should keep looking until he finds it. For it is there." (Caps in original)

  93. ^ Humanism
  94. ^ Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin 26 August 1982, "Pain and Sex". Cited in Atack, Jon (1990). A Piece of Blue Sky. New York, NY: Carol Publishing Group. ISBN 0-8184-0499-X. , p. 288. "[The psychs] are the sole cause of decline in this universe..."
  95. ^ Creating racism: Psychiatry’s betrayal (1995) [CCHR magazine], pp. 4f esp.

Further reading

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